The purpose of this blog is to share stories from the road of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Clown Alley. With this resource we can relive those days and have a better understanding of the transitions within Clown Alley over the years. I feel historically it's important to share these stories for future generations. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Frosty Little

 Frosty Little was my Boss for six years. When I think of Frosty I think of a man who kept things running smoothly in the alley. 
Think about the job he had! Not only as a boss for 30 clowns but as a politician with Mr. Feld. 
 He was a perfect bridge between the generations of clowns. Remember we had clowns ranging from 17 to 80 years old. Not only did he keep order, he let us have just enough fun without letting it get out of hand.
 He was always thinking of the clowns. Many of the gags he created were specifically designed to utilize everyone in some way or another. Even if you didn't know what you were doing. If it wasn't for him and these gags many of us would not have had the opportunity to work in the show our first year. 
 When it came to Mr. Feld he was a great negotiator. He would always try for the most spots in the show for the clowns. We would show about 50 gags every year and he would be able to get at least 30 of those in the show. 
 The alley was like our own little community. What went on and how we did things were under the complete trust in Frosty from Mr. Feld.

 And lets not forget Pat his wife, who was always there with her camera taking photos. If it wasnt for her many of us would not have some of the photos that keep these special days in our memories. She was always beside him for support. They have a special bond that cant be separated.
 He was not just a boss but has remained a real friend. 84 now he's recently come under the weather and his memory is slipping a little, but I assure you he will always remember those days and the many clowns who came through those doors....  

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember what year it was, but I remember well that prop you and Frosty are in--That was the Fire House. I remember working on it with Harvey and Billy. There was a pony wagon and a battery driven fire engine too, and a little person in a fire hydrant? And somebody got an axe in the head? That was one of the most fun things I ever helped build! Glad you had a photo . . . BTC
